Board of Directors & Volunteers

The board is made up of people who are touched by Cameron's life and want to contribute to his legacy.

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Melissa Fulling, President

Melisa Fulling, mother of Cameron. Melisa was Cameron's full-time caregiver. Cameron called himself, her second husband. Melisa has spent many years getting to know other families affected by childhood cancer and knows firsthand how heartbreaking it can be to watch your child endure the treatments for cancer.


Dan Fulling, Vice President

Dan Fulling, father of Cameron. Dan was the family earner and caregiver to Cameron. Cameron enjoyed spending time outdoors with Dad. They loved to fish and go camping together. Dan has spent many years juggling a career and caring for Cameron. Dan knows firsthand how hard it can be for parents that have to work and to be there for your child during all of their medical appointments.


Lynn Knox, Secretary

Lynn Knox, grandmother to Cameron. Lynn was also a caregiver to Cameron and helped care for his siblings during his lengthy hospital stays. Cameron loved to spend the night at grandma & grandpa's house because he got completely spoiled. She took him on many vacations, he lived like a rock star hanging out with Grandma. Lynn knows firsthand how tough it can be to have a grandchild with cancer, and to watch your child's life get completely turned upside down.


Kim Raszl, Treasurer

Kim Raszl, aunt to Cameron. Kim was the go-to person for any of the family needs while Cameron was hospitalized. She would bring Cameron anything he needed or wanted and also helped take care of his siblings. Kim enjoyed spoiling Cameron and was his biggest cheerleader. Kim always had fun adventures planned for Cameron. Kim knows firsthand how hard a childhood cancer diagnosis can be on the entire family.


Kim Bialkoski

Kim Bialkoski retired as a Pre-K Special Needs Teacher in Volusia County. During her tenure she taught children with various Special Needs, including Pediatric Cancer. One such child has been near and dear to her heart and Kim has helped raise money for her family. Upon retirement Kim wanted to continue helping children and families. Kim found out about Live Like Cameron, and reached out to Dan & Melisa to offer help. Although Kim never knew Cameron, she understood and appreciated his spirit and zest for life. She wants to help others fighting this terrible disease.


Mark Bialkoski

Mark Bialkoski retired as a Police Officer from the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office. An avid golfer, Mark has organized many Charity Golf Tournaments in the past for a Homeless Shelter, a Police Officer in need and Kim's student with Pediatric Cancer. Upon retirement Mark wanted to continue organizing Golf Tournaments for worthwhile causes. Mark asked Dan & Melisa if he could help and created the Live Like Cameron Golf Tournament. These tournaments are successful and have become an annual event.


Mackenzie Fulling, Media Specialist

Mackenzie Fulling, sister to Cameron. Mackenzie has been like a second mother to Cameron. She was always taking very good care of him and liked to come to his appointments to make him feel better. Cameron enjoyed spending time with Mackenzie and her friends, he liked to believe that he was a teenager. They would listen to music, snapchat together, and even have spa days. Mackenzie knows firsthand how hard a childhood cancer diagnosis can be for a sibling.


Carter Fulling, Special Events Assistant

Carter Fulling, brother to Cameron. Carter was a big inspiration to Cameron. Cameron always wanted to be like Carter. Cameron and Carter enjoyed playing baseball together and spending time outdoors. Carter always encouraged Cameron to live his life to the fullest. Carter knows firsthand how hard a childhood cancer diagnosis can be for a sibling.


Victoria (Lemons) Simmons, Media Specialist, South Division

Victoria (Lemons) Simmons, friend to Cameron & best friend to Cameron's sister. Victoria is known as Cameron's second sister. She could always make Cameron laugh no matter how tough his day was. Cameron loved to play doctor with Victoria and she always played along even when it lasted for hours. Cameron secretly wanted Victoria to be his best friend instead of Mackenzie. Victoria knows firsthand how difficult it is to watch your best friend deal with a diagnosis of a sibling.


Hope Brock, Youth Coordinator

Hope Brock, friend to Cameron & daughter to Cameron's hospital homebound teacher. Hope has had a huge impact on Cameron. She helped raise money to pay for Cameron's medical bills and has also had a huge role in bringing awareness to the community, especially among the teenagers. Cameron always enjoyed the days when she would come over while he was in school. Hope knows firsthand how a childhood cancer diagnosis can affect an entire community.


Ryan Raszl, Youth Coordinator

Ryan Raszl, cousin to Cameron. Ryan helped bring lots of joy to Cameron during his battle with cancer. Ryan always made Cameron feel like a normal kid and never treated him any differently. He made Cameron so happy when he would come visit him during his out-of-state clinical trials and he loved having Ryan come along with him on his bucket list trip to Memphis, Tennessee traveling in a RV. Ryan knows firsthand how hard a childhood diagnosis can be for a cousin.

“I know my life has forever changed after meeting Cameron. I wish that everyone getting into the fire service had his passion for the job and the commitment for helping people. Cameron, my friend, my brother, rest easy, the boys and I at station 92 have it from here and we won't let you down! Until next time, my friend.”

- Andrew Keppler