Shave For The Brave


Mastermind behind our most successful fundraiser

Bill Fletcher, owner of Fletcher's Irish Pub, went through his own battle with cancer and states that he would never wish any family to go through what he and his family had to go through, especially a child. He was inspired by Cameron's positive attitude and love of life during his battle with cancer. Bill continues to keep the goal high each year to bring joy to our local children battling cancer and to honor Cameron's legacy.

Bill Fletcher
Fletcher's Pub Logo

The beard shaving Christmas event happens every year in December with small fundraisers leading up to the event. We have fundraising teams who compete against each other to see which team can raise the most money. The day of Shave for the Brave individuals may donate $100.00 to have their beards/mustaches shaved. The participating barber is Brandon Castaldi, owner of Proper Barber and his staff.

Brandon Barber
Proper Barber Logo

The money raised from Shave for the Brave goes to Live Like Cameron's Christmas programs. The first program is granting Christmas gift wishes to children battling cancer and all their siblings in Volusia and Flagler County. We also provide the parents with gift cards to go out to dinner and to purchase groceries for the holidays. The second program is to bring Christmas to the pediatric oncology patients who will be spending Christmas in the hospital. We provide them with decorations, mini Christmas tree, Christmas bedding, and electronic gift, i.e., Ipad and lots of other gifts and surprises.

Christmas Picture Christmas Picture